Speak your Heart

Speak your Heart. I never realized how much I don’t speak from my Heart, and when I do I either come across as aggressive or I still don’t get to say everything in my mind, either because I have sat with my feeling so long I start to forget some or because I feel it’s not the right time. I have realized it’s important to say things as you feel them. Speak your Heart. If you resonate with what I am saying I want you to know that you are not alone. I have luckily found two ways to help me speak my heart more often.

Firstly, I now Pause. This means taking a pause when I feel offended, taking a pause when I don’t know what to say, take a pause before any decision. yes, the world stops when you choose to pause. Give yourself time, during this pause to understand how you feel, take your time and then respond. Don’t go mute. Respond to how you feel.

I also ask for more time when it comes to big decisions, big feelings, and big requests. If I feel like I can’t fight a battle right now I ask for time in a kind way, nothing feels worse than not fully expressing yourself cause you were rushed into it. I understand that some situations, don’t allow for this grace always but with practice, you will get to the point where you will say how you feel with ease.

Give yourself grace as you learn to speak from your heart and understand it’s going to take time to fully express yourself. With practice and time, you will learn to say how you feel and understand there is no gain in pleasing others at the expense of your feelings.

Love you! Talk soon!

One thought on “Speak your Heart

  1. Thank you.
    Sometimes God is directing you to a few people that need your words to help them in a certain period and make them better impact the people around them and the world at large. You have no idea how much good you have done. Thank you ❤️


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